Fake news never stops, so neither do we. 

Here at factfully, we’re using AI to create a fact-checker for the modern age. All our cutting-edge, carefully trained algorithms have one goal: to make sure that you're not exposed to propaganda and lies. 

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We get the job done.

Always on top of current events.

It's a busy world, and stuff changes fast. That's why we real-time data sourced from the web to determine exactly what's going on right now, to give you the most up-to-date information.

Giving you *all* the information.

Not everything can be neatly classified as entirely true or false. That's why we give you context for claims that require it, train our algorithm to detect parodies and humor, and give you data about the specifics of the claim.

Forever accessible and free.

At factfully, we believe that access to the truth is a right, not a privilege that should be available to a select few. We hide nothing behind paywalls and subscriptions, and we've designed our product from the bottom-up to ensure it's easily usable.

There for you no matter what.

We don't have the logistical limits of traditional fact-checkers. Whether you want to make sure your local news is reporting a story correctly, or you're suspicious of something that popped up on your Instagram feed at 2am, we're always there for you.

Our products

Our statement checker is also available as a Google Chrome extension. On top of that, we're working on another big product:  the social media detector analyzes sponsored posts on social media platforms and traces back whom they were funded by. This helps ensure accountability on the part of sponsors (68% of fake news is sponsored by politically motivated actors) and informs you as to who is really making the post.

Download our chrome extension